Music & Lyrics by Atomic Fury

Forty songs fixed in space
Grinding static wax,
Brought to you by “Crazy Bob’s Big House of Discount Slacks!”
By a burger, win a song
It’s free just take one please.
Dripping with the smell of salesmen,
Maybe it’s the grease…

My radio ain’t powered by
No drive time-DJ jive

Dial FM, dial AM
Find me somethin’ that’s worth playin’
Because I don’t plan on payin’
When I need music!

Across the stars and frequencies
The play list screams the same.
Oracles and Accountants leave thieving kids to blame!
The customer is always WRONG,
Cause just like Milk and Fuel;
Music is a necessary lifestyle marketing tool…

My radio ain’t powered by
No drive time-DJ jive

Dial FM, dial AM
Find me somethin’ that’s worth playin’
Because I don’t plan on payin’
When I need music!

Brand new tracks,
That won’t put you in debt.
Brought to you by no-one but the voices in my head!

Dial FM, dial AM
Find me somethin’ that’s worth playin’
Because I don’t plan on payin’
When I need music!